
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Watercolor Effect with Spectrum Noir & Scavenger Hunt Blog Winner

Thank you lovely people for all your nice comments and hopping with the Design Team over the weekend.  I am happy to announce that the winner of my blog is:

Kelly Massman

Please visit the Crafter's Companion Blog to see who won the grand prize!!

And now, for some  coloring -  you know I had to color some more! ;o)  I have a twist to what I shared before. Rather than dipping my paintbrush into alcohol and picking up color. I spritzed the alcohol into the color on the pallet. With this method, my paintbrush stayed wet longer and I had more control of how much alcohol I used with the color - the more alcohol the smoother the stroke.

I colored the background first. I would roll my paintbrush around in the alcohol to get a finer point for tight spaces.

Next, I colored his face and shirt. After I picked up color, I painted the dark areas first, like under his arm.  When I painted the pail, I added less alcohol so the strokes would not be smooth. I think it added a little texture.

Now, onto the duck and flowers. I use the green marker direct for the center of the flowers. I came back later with the yellow marker and colored the pedals again. I also remembered to color the pail handle. :o)

Added color to his shoes and a combo of green, brown and yellow colors for the grass. Sorry, I did not show the complete photo in this one. That camera cord was hanging in the way - don'tcha hate when that happens! :o)

Here, you can see the grass!  I finished by coloring his pants and belt.    Adhered the layers and it was ready to send.  After I finished the complete card, I noticed I forgot to color the little duck's feet. Oops! I colored direct with the marker.  Remember - it's not how perfect your project is the first time, it's how well you can recover from the "boo boos." LOL.

Hope you have a wonderful day!!

Take care and STAY POSITIVE!